In 2007 a commercial relationship was created between FIPAL Sfax and QUALI Industries Belgium, which is represented and directed by Mr KRISTOF DECUYPERE, this relationship aims at the distribution of QUALI products in Tunisia.
The brandname QUALI is well reputated for its high quality, but the continuous rise of oil prices has perturbed the distribution on the Tunisian market.
In order to continue a good service to the customers of the QUALI products, the idea rose to create a unit for the blending and conditioning of lubricants in Tunesia to lower the cost of production (packaging, loan cost, etc…) and this to ensure some commercial stability.
In 2007 a Tunisian-Belgian company came into being; a joint venture was signed between FIPAL and QUALI Industries for the production of all kinds of lubricants under the technical supervision of QUALI Industries Belgium which is also in charge of a permanent supply with raw materials.
The Tunisian product QUALI is omnipresent on the Tunisian market and on some other international markets.
The brandname QUALI is renouned for its high standards in the scientific and technological field as well as in the matter of innovation offering a wide range of products responding to all needs.
In this way FQI doesn’t stop promoting the brandname QUALI. Quality products deserve a premium service during the whole delivery process.
FQI keeps a very strict eye on the quality (of products and service). Offering high quality products at a right price is the policy of the company.
FQI works with a team of experts qualified on the subject of lubrication, integrated in an efficient and dynamic distribution network and as such guarantees:
Because of the longevity of oil there is an advantage at three levels: